A few years ago, I started doing 14 days of Valentines for Hubs, but really you can make 14 days of Valentines for anyone! Not only is it a frugal and fun way to celebrate Valentine’s Day, it’s also versatile. You can switch it up – for kids, siblings, friends, whoever – by changing the tags to fit the items you give.
The 14 days of Valentines concept is simple. Basically you give a (very) small gift everyday beginning on February 1 and ending on February 14. Each gift comes with a tag that features a fun (and cheesy) play on words.
Sometimes I leave the gift to be found in the morning, sometimes in the evening. I also switch up the places I leave it. When I did this for Hubs, I left gifts in his closet, truck, by the coffee maker, in his lunch. You get the picture.
You can pick up most items at the dollar store, or at Walmart or Target for between $1-$2. The idea is to not spend alot of money, but have alot of fun.
What You’ll Need for 14 Days of Valentines for Anyone
- 14 cheesy Valentine’s Day puns
- 14 small, inexpensive gifts to match the puns
- colored cardstock to create 14 tags
- ribbon
- hole punch
- printer or markers
Where to Find Valentine Puns
- Search Pinterest for free printable Valentines
- Make up your own – use your imagination.
- Google “cute valentine’s sayings”
- Use my ideas below.
Free 14 Days of Valentines for Anyone Printable Gift Tags
I’ve created two different sets of printable gift tags. Both sets include 8 of the same tags for non-edible items. The first list features also features 6 tags for candy treats and the second list includes 6 tags for non-candy treats.
Click here to download and print 14 Days of Valentines Gift Tags now!
Candy Valentines
♥You “rock”! (pop rocks)
♥I “chews” you! (bubble gum)
♥You are “o’fish’ally” awesome! (swedish red fish)
♥”Stick” with me! (pixie sticks)
♥Don’t ever “change”. (chocolate coins)
♥I like the way you “roll”! (tootsie rolls or rolos)
Non-Candy Valentines
♥You are “o’fish’ally” awesome! (goldfish)
♥You’re out of this “world”! (Orbit gum)
♥You sure are a “cutie”! (clementine orange)
♥You’re awesome “sauce”! (applesauce cup)
♥I’m “nuts” about you! (peanuts, cashews, pistachios, etc)
♥You make my heart “pop”! (popcorn)
Non-Edible Valentines
♥You make my heart “glow”! (glow sticks)
♥I’m “stuck” on you! (stickers)
♥You make my heart “bounce”. (bouncy balls)
♥You’re just “write” for me! (pen or pencil)
♥You “color” my world! (crayons)
♥You “blow” me away! (bubbles)
♥You “light up” my life! (flashlight)
♥You’re the “highlight” of my day! (highlighter)
Tips for Making Valentine Tags
If you’re printing Valentines tags, remember that colored ink can be expensive. You can save money by buying colored cardstock at Hobby Lobby and using black ink only. You’ll be able to create a fun, colorful tags like the ones in the image below without using up all your colored ink.
No printer? That’s ok. Buy colored cardstock and use a black sharpie to create “clip art frames” and write in the puns. Or buy white card stock and use colored markers.