As the beginning of the school year approaches, your young children are probably super excited over the idea of having a brand new backpack bursting continue reading >>>
Donations Needed: Shoeboxes for the Homeless
If you're familiar with Operation Christmas Child, I'd like to tell you about a similar idea that will benefit the less fortunate in the Oklahoma City continue reading >>>
How to Organize a Large Operation Christmas Child Project
It's been awhile since I've written about Operation Christmas Child, which is one of my favorite non-profit projects to help with. Several times over continue reading >>>
Consider Your Non-Perishable Food Donations
November kicks off the season of giving. And as you do so, I'm going to ask you to consider your non-perishable food donations. Over the past continue reading >>>
How to Decide Where to Donate
How do I decide where to donate? This is one of the questions I am frequently asked and it continues to bless my heart. I love knowing that so many of continue reading >>>
Never Too Young For Generosity
I love the hearts of children and the generosity that resides there. Take for example the image above. The sign is pretty much illegible so let me continue reading >>>