How do I decide where to donate? This is one of the questions I am frequently asked and it continues to bless my heart. I love knowing that so many of you desire to give back to others out of the abundance God has given to you.
Sometimes this same question has been a personal burden for me. Considering all the different organizations, ministries, charities and individuals that need help, I sometimes feel the weight of making the right decision. It can be confusing and sometimes overwhelming to make the right choice.
How do I choose where to donate my time, money, stuff or extra groceries? Where is my best yes? Do I concentrate on one entity or spread the bounty among many?
Over the last few years, I’ve formulated a game plan for choosing charities to donate to and I’m sharing four of my personal guidelines with you.
Decide Where to Donate Through Prayer
I am in constant prayer, asking God to show me where to give, how much to give and how often. I ask Him to help me see the opportunities HE wants me to see. His Word says that when we ask for wisdom, He will not turn us away (James 1:5). I stand on this promise and then let the Spirit lead.
As with many other things, I have lots of opinions and ideas. My constant prayer is this: “if this is from you, Lord, make it stick. If it’s not from you, erase it from my mind.” Many times I find that “great” ideas I have are often quickly forgotten.
Decide Where to Donate to Spread the Gospel
As a believer, I am called to advance the Kingdom of heaven – that is to spread the gospel and be a light shining in the darkness, a city on a hill (Matthew 5). My giving should reflect this. I want to know that the love of Christ will be shown and felt through my donations. And that ultimately spiritual needs, the most important needs of all, will be met. I choose the organizations/individuals I give to with this in mind.
Decide Where to Donate to Meet Specific Needs
It is very important that we are not giving just so we can say we did. The Bible is very clear that we are to be intentional and purposeful givers (2 Corinthians 9:7). As I am in constant prayer, God often brings to mind or reveals specific needs that I can meet. Sometimes it’s through volunteering time, giving money or donating items I already have. Sometimes it’s through a non-profit organization and sometimes it’s to a specific individual.
It is very important that we are not giving just so we can say we did. The Bible is very clear that we are to be intentional and purposeful givers (2 Corinthians 9:7).Decide Where to Donate According to Your Passion
Our heart strings, yours and mine, are all tugged by different things. I happen to have a soft spot for single moms and those trapped in addiction, while you may feel extra compassion toward foster children or the homeless. Still others feel a yearning toward orphans or the underprivileged in third world countries. Wherever your heart is, follow it. God gave you these heart tugs.
Getting Started
Here’s a list of Christian-based charities that has been verified by top charity watchdog groups, such as Charity Navigator, GuideStar, and Ministry Watch.
I hope this gives you an idea of how to decide where to donate. As you remain open to God’s leading and walk in obedience, be prepared to be blessed beyond measure.