You can learn to coupon!
I strongly believe in utilizing coupons to save money on your household budget, but the sad truth is that I talk to so many people who feel frustrated and discouraged by their experience with coupons. Or they have less than positive opinons about coupon use in general.
I hear things like…
“I used to coupon and I just felt so overwhelmed by it all that I stopped.”
“They really aren’t worth the time and I never find coupons for anything I use”.
You Can Learn to Coupon
Couponing is like many other endeavors in life. If we go into it unequipped or uninformed, we soon feel swallowed up by inefficiency, frustration and sometimes failure.
That’s why I’ve provided this resource section – to equip and inform you. And help you succeed! I’ve purposely kept it simple so you don’t feel overwhelmed.
So first things first….
To lay the groundwork for your new project, start by reading about 2 ways you can plan for couponing success and how you can save tons of money using “the pantry principle“.
After that, you should decide how you’d like to organize your coupons. There are many methods to choose from….you’re sure to find something that reflects your personality, schedule and goals.
Now it’s time to find coupons to build your coupon inventory and learn how to strategically use your coupons. You’ll also want debriefing on all the Coupon Abbreviations and Lingo.
By now, you should be seeing the full picture of how everything works together. Next you’ll want to visit out store page and try a few coupon deals at your favorite store. Read this handy guide on how to use our Shopping Lists.
Take it slow and don’t compare yourself to others. Before long, you’ll be couponing as easily as you breathe.
And remember….everyone needs a break sometimes!
Happy Shopping and May You be Blessed!