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While everyone loves the change in seasons – the falling leaves, the cooler temperatures, the chance to wear our knit scarves and fleece leggings again – no one likes what comes with it…cold and flu season. Some are lucky not to be visited often by this unwelcome traveler. Others may feel like they have a pesky new tenant. Either way, it’s always best to be ready. My family stays prepared with a cold and flu season survival kit.
How to Prepare a Cold and Flu Season Survival Kit
Let’s be real. If a cold or flu virus chooses to land on your household, the last thing you’re going to feel like doing is making a trip to the store. It’s best to prepare as soon as fall arrives. Here’s how to prepare a cold and flu season survival kit:
Take inventory of any medicines you have in the medicine cabinet. Check expired dates and throw out anything that is outdated. Restock your cabinet making sure to include:
- fever/pain reliever*
- decongestant*
- expectorant*
- antihistamines*
- cough medicine/throat lozenges*
- saline nose spray*
*Restocking an entire medicine cabinet can be expensive. Be sure to look online for printable coupons to help you save.
Stock up on Supplies
Make sure you have all the miscellaneous supplies you may need like tissues, hand santizer and chapstick. Check to see that your thermometer works and has batteries.
Stock the Pantry
Fill the pantry with comfort foods and hydrating drinks. While water is the best way to stay hydrated, sometimes hot tea or popsicles are soothing for sore throats. Chicken noodle soup is usually just what the doctor ordered. And saltine crackers or ginger ale can help settle a queasy tummy.
Secure a Humidifier
If you don’t have one already, consider buying a humidifier that doubles as an essential oils diffuser. Restoring moisture to the air in your home can sooth dry nasal passages and itchy throats and aid the healing process.
We also like to diffuse essential oils to help support the immune system, promote relaxation and purify the air. Some of our favorites are Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Lemon, Tea Tree and Thieves.
While creating a cold and flu season care kit can’t prevent you from contacting a virus, being prepared can make the recovery process much smoother.
Wondering how soon you might need to prepare a cold and flu season survival kit? Visit the Cold & Flu Finder at, where you can learn more about cold & flu conditions in your area by consulting the map.