One of my favorite home organizing tools and one I could not live without is my Simple Household Planner. Over the years I’ve purchased many continue reading >>>
My One Word for 2017
It's the beginning of a new year and everyone is talking about their one word for 2017. The one word in the entire English vocabulary that they are continue reading >>>
Advent Calendars to Celebrate Christmas
There are many ways to celebrate Advent. I am a huge advocate of focusing on the true meaning of Christmas through the use of a simple tool like an continue reading >>>
How to Prepare Your Cold and Flu Survival Kit
This is a sponsored post. All words and opinions are my own. While everyone loves the change in seasons - the falling leaves, the cooler continue reading >>>
Stewardship Ain’t All About Money
When you think about stewardship, what is the first thing that pops in your mind? Money. Right! But, why? Surely you know and I know that stewardship continue reading >>>
How to Keep Holiday Entertaining Simple and Frugal
I love to invite people into our home, especially during the holidays. Over the years, I've learned a few things about how to keep holiday continue reading >>>
Things To Do Now To Prepare for Stress Free Holidays
It is a bit mind blowing that we are already approaching the end of the year! And though we're only halfway through September, the holidays will be continue reading >>>
3 Things You Should Do Every Morning – Even If You’re NOT a Morning Person
I am so not a morning person. I've always been a night owl. As a young person, I loved staying up late to read a good book, write in my journal or continue reading >>>
8 Ways to Use Coconut Oil
About a year ago, after seeing several friends post about coconut oil on their facebook pages, I started researching this new trend. A few months continue reading >>>
5 Tips for a Successful Garage Sale From an Avid Bargain Hunter
If you google "successful garage sale", you'll find lots of articles about how to have a successful garage sale, written by people who have garage continue reading >>>
Stewardship Ain’t All About Money
When you think about stewardship, what is the first thing that pops in your mind? Money. Right! But, why? Surely you know and I know continue reading >>>
Bountiful Baskets Food Co-Op
One of the most frequent complaints I hear from coupon class attendees or in emails from readers is about how hard it is to save on "healthy" food continue reading >>>
My Greedy Little Addiction
What started as a way to save money for my family and make my husband happy quickly became my greedy little addiction. And with that came a very continue reading >>>